Self-Consolidating Concrete (SCC) Production Tips – TB-1505
Self-Consolidating Concrete (SCC) has many benefits associated with the high workability of fresh concrete. However, this…
An Introduction to Self-Consolidating Concrete (SCC) – TB-1500
Self-Consolidating Concrete (SCC) is a rapidly developing research area with literally hundreds of published papers. This…
Mortar Joints and the DRY-BLOCK® System – TB0005B
Mortar joints in masonry construction can account for up to 15% of the surface area of…
STRUX® 90/40 Concrete Recommended Mix Designs, Dispensing, Mixing, Placing and Finishing – TB-1200
STRUX® 90/40 Synthetic Macro Fiber Reinforcement is a 40 mm (1.55 in.) long high strength and…
Recommendations for Dispensing DARAFILL® Dry – TB-1100
DARAFILL® Recommendations DARAFILL® is encapsulated in high density wax “eggs.” DARAFILL® capsules are available in two…
General Properties and Benefits of DCI® S Corrosion Inhibitor – TB-0903
DCI® S Corrosion Inhibitor is formulated for situations where accelerated concrete set times are not required…
Low Shrinkage Mix Design Optimization Guidelines for ECLIPSE® Floor 200 – TB-1001
ECLIPSE® Floor 200 Shrinkage Reducing Admixture is a liquid concrete admixture specifically formulated for reducing the…
Recommended Placing, Finishing and Curing Procedures for Flatwork Concrete Containing DCI® – TB-0902
Concrete containing DCI® Corrosion Inhibitor can be used in flatwork with little or no modification to…
Offset the Potential Corrosive Effect of Chlorides in a Concrete Mix Using DCI® – TB-0901
DCI® Corrosion Inhibitor may be used to offset the corrosive effects of chloride ions found in…
Shrinkage Characteristics of FORCE 10,000® Concrete – TB-0708
FORCE 10,000D® concrete is typically used in applications where cracking may be a major concern. These…
Calculating Concrete Mix Proportions for FORCE® 10,000D Concrete – TB-0704
This technical bulletin describes the steps required to adjust concrete mix proportions to accommodate the addition…
Recommended Procedures for Batching and Mixing FORCE 10,000D® Concrete – TB-0703
The key to producing high quality, high performance concrete with FORCE 10,000D® is thorough mixing. It…